Lucero Hernández-García, Alberto Rojas-Hernández, María T. Ramírez-Silva, Giaan A. Álvarez-Romero, Manuel E. Palomar-Pardavé, Av. cien. ing., 2017, 8(1), 31-41
In this work, the acid constants of ascorbic acid (AA) by polarimetry, with a base titration of the acid, aredetermined. The results obtained by this technique were processed by adjusting the rotation angles measuredas a function of the pH, using for the fitting the Biot and additivity laws for this property. Non-linear and linearregression models were applied. The most reliable values obtained were pKa1 = 4.149 0.022 and pKa2 =11.927 0.062, achieved by non-linear regression of the data acquired to ? = 578 nm, with standard deviationsfor the fit equal to 0.046? and 0.075?, respectively. These values are comparable with those reported usingother techniques.
Characterization of Main Anthocyanins Extracted from Pericarp Blue Corn by MALDI-ToF MS
Mercury Ions Removal from Aqueous Solution Using an Activated Composite Membrane
Development of a novel nitrate-selective composite sensor based on doped polypyrrole
Evaluación del contenido de metales y su efecto en la estabilidad de antocianinas