Valdés Ramírez G.,Álvarez Romero G. A., Ramírez Silva M. T., Romero Romo M., Palomar Pardavé M., Galán Vidal C. Silver and Silver Chloride Electrodeposits, an Alternative in the Construction of Ag/AgCl Solid Electrodes, ECS Transactions, 2006, Vol. 3, Núm . 38, ISSN 1938-5862
An alternative for construction of solid state electrodes Ag/AgCl that can be used as reference electrodes has been developed. The results obtained in each experiment show that statistically there are not differences using the electrode developed and a conventional reference electrode Ag/AgCl double liquid junction.
Characterization of Main Anthocyanins Extracted from Pericarp Blue Corn by MALDI-ToF MS
Mercury Ions Removal from Aqueous Solution Using an Activated Composite Membrane
Facilitated transport of Hg(II) through novel activated composite membranes
Synthesis, characterization, and crystal structures of n-alkyldiorganodithiophosphates RS2P(OC6H4)2