Producción Científica Profesorado

Solid-Phase Extraction and Large-Volume Sample Stacking-Capillary Electrophoresis for Determination of Tetracycline Residues in Milk

Rodríguez Ávila, José Antonio


Solid-Phase Extraction and Large-Volume Sample Stacking-Capillary Electrophoresis for Determination of Tetracycline Residues in Milk, Gabriela Islas, Jose A. Rodriguez, Irma Perez-Silva, Jose M. Miranda, Israel S. Ibarra, Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2018 (2018), 1- 7.


Solid-phase extraction in combination with large-volume sample stacking-capillary electrophoresis (SPE-LVSS-CE) was applied to measure chlortetracycline, doxycycline, oxytetracycline, and tetracycline in milk samples. Under optimal conditions, the proposed method had a linear range of 29 to 200?gL?1, with limits of detection ranging from 18.6 to 23.8?gL?1 with inter- and intraday repeatabilities?

Producto de Investigación

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