Producción Científica Profesorado

Importance of Treatment Process on the Analysis of Penicillins in Milk Samples by Capillary Electrophoresis

Galan Vidal, Carlos Andres


J.A. Rodríguez, E. Martínez, I.S. Ibarra, J.M. Miranda, C.A. Galán-Vidal and M.E. Páez-HernándezCapítulo: 3. Importance of Treatment Process on the Analysis of Penicillins in Milk Samples by Capillary ElectrophoresisLibro: Field Effect Electroosmosis - A Novel Phenomenon in Electrokinetics and its Applications in Capillary Electrophoresis; InTech. (2015)


Some veterinary drugs (such as antibiotics) are required in rational use at some stage of animal production in order to guarantee the hygienic management of farms. Antibiotics can be used at low levels for growth promotion (2.5 to 125 mgantib kg-1feed, depending on the species treated), at intermediate levels for disease prevention (<200 mgantib kg-1feed), and at high levels to treat infected animals. Prophylactic antimicrobial use is applied in intense livestock production to protect animal welfare by treating uninfected animals, thereby preventing epidemic spread of infectious animal diseases. This provides for a high efficiency of animal production. Antibiotic use is a potential risk for the development of antimicrobial resistant bacteria since these drugs can be found as residues in animal-derived food products [1-4].

Producto de Investigación

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