Producción Científica Profesorado

Development of a Silver/Silver IbuprofenatePotentiometric Sensor for IbuprofenQuantification in Pharmaceutical Products

Páez Hernández, María Elena


Development of a Silver/Silver IbuprofenatePotentiometric Sensor for IbuprofenQuantification in Pharmaceutical ProductsRivera-Hernández, Selene Irisais,Álvarez-Romero, Giaan Arturo, PáezHernández,María Elena, Galán-VidalCarlos Andrés, Corona-Avendaño, Silvia(2015) ECS Transactions 64 57-6


Nonsteroidal antiinflamatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most used drugs due to their analgesic, antipyretic and antiinflamatory properties. Within this group of pharmaceutical compounds, Ibuprofen (acid-?-methyl-4(isobutyl)-phenylacetic is found. It is useful for treating headaches and arthritis. To assure consumer?s health, it is necessary to develop analytical methodologies to allow an accurate and exact quantification of ibuprofen. Potentiometry has demonstrated to be an advantageous technique, standing out the use of second type electrodes, which in accordance with the Nernst equation can detected anions activities. Considering this last, in this work we present the development and analytical characterization of a second-type electrode based on the Silver/Silver Ibuprofenate (Ag/AgIbu) pair for the quantification of Ibuprofen in pharmaceutical drugs.

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