Ung, G.; Mendoza-Espinosa, D.; Bertrand G. Novel Route to Ynamides: Stable Ligands Equivalent to Unstable Oxazol-4-Ylidenes. Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 7088-7090.
Deprotonation of an oxazolium salt induces a ring opening process leading to the corresponding ynamide. Although the expected mesoionic carbene is not obtained, the acyclic ynamide readily reacts with various transition metals yielding robust mesoionic carbene complexes.
First Total Synthesis of ()-Flustraminol B
Cleavage of alkoxycarbonyl protecting groups from carbamates by t-BuNH2
Trapping enols of esters and lactones with diazomethane
Synthesis of Bromoindole Alkaloids from Laurencia brongniartii
13C NMR and crystallographic evidence of push-pull effects in furoindolic ?-enamino esters
Conformational studies on indole alkaloids from Flustra foliacea by NMR and molecular modeling
Absolute configuration determination of 2-(2-oxo-3-indolyl)acetamide derivatives
One-potsynthesis of conformationallyrestrictedspirooxindoles