María del Socorro Fuentes-Andrade, Otilio Arturo Acevedo-Sandoval, Enrique Cruz-Chávez, Elena María Otazo-Sánchez, Alma Delia Román-Gutiérrez. Cambios en las propiedades edafológicas en el tiempo en un bosque templado del estado de Hidalgo, México. Changes in soil properties in the time in a temperate forest of state of Hidalgo, México. European Scientific Journal, 10(6), 399-410. ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print), ISSN: 1857 - 7431
Changes in soil properties were evaluated in a temperate forestlocated in the town of San Mateo Acaxochitán, Hidalgo, Mexico. Soilsamples were taken at four depths in two periods (2004, S-04 and 2011, S-11) to the results we applied the principal component analysis, thecomponent one explained 51 % of variance; presented positive correlationbetween the variables S-04K, S-11NT, S11CO, S-04NT and S-04CO (groupa), S-11pHact, S-04Da , S-04Ca , and S-04Mg (group b) and negativecorrelation between the variables: S-11Da, S-11Alint, S-11Dr, S-11Acint, andS-11PT (group c), and S-11C/N and S-04C/N (group d). The componenttwo explained 31 % of variance , presented positive correlation between thevariables: S-11PT, S-11Acint, S-04Mg , and S- 04Ca (group c) and negativecorrelation between S-04C/N and S-11C/N (group d). The analysis ofvariance showed that the soil variables that showed significant differences (? 0.05 ) between the S-04 and S-11 were: PT, Dr, pHpot , Acint , NT , K+ andCa2+
Propiedades fisicoquímicas y sensoriales de harinas para preparar atole de amaranto
Sensory profile and chemical composition of Opuntia joconostle from Hidalgo, Mexico