Producción Científica Profesorado

Renewable stationary phase liquid magnetochromatography: determining aspartame and its hydrolysis products in diet soft drinks

Rodríguez Ávila, José Antonio


Barrado, E., Rodriguez, J.A, Castrillejo, Y. Renewable stationary phase liquid magnetochromatography: determining aspartame and its hydrolysis products in diet soft drinks, Analytica and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2006, Vol. 285, p. 1233-1240, ISSN: 1618-2642


A new chromatographic modality that does not require high pressures and also allows renewal of the stationary phase as desired is reported. The technique is based on a thin layer paramagnetic stationary phase (Fe3O4SiO2) retained on the inner wall of a minicolumn through the action of an external magnetic field, which also plays an important role in separating the analytes. Accordingly, the name renewable stationary phase liquid magnetochromatography, or RSP-LMC, has been proposed for it. The technique was used to separate and quantify the sugar substitute ?-aspartame and its constituent amino acids (hydrolysis products), L-aspartic acid and L-phenylalanine, in diet fizzy soft drinks. When the results obtained for ?-aspartame were compared with those obtained using HPLC as a reference method, no significant differences were observed. The system proposed is fully automated, making it an economic, competitive alternative to conventional methods of determining ?-aspartame and its amino acid components.

Producto de Investigación

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