Galindo Castillo, E., Otazo Sánchez, E, M., Gordillo Martínez, A. J., Arellano Islas, S., González Ramírez, C. A. & Reyes Gutiérrez, R. L. (2011). Sobreexplotación del acuífero Cuautitlán-Pachuca: balance hídrico 1999-2010. En: C. González Ramírez (Ed.), Avances en Impacto, Tecnología y Toxicología Ambiental (pp. 9-32). Pachuca de Soto, México: Editorial Universitaria. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. Preprinted
Procedures in Ready Biodegradability Testing: Effects of the Inoculation and the Monitored Parameter
Two-step modeling of the biodegradation of phenol by an acclimated activated sludge
Modélisation de la cinétique de biodégradation de phénol par granules aérobies
Effect of the inoculation level in aerobic biodegradability tests of polymeric materials
Standardization of activated sludge for biodegradation tests
3D reconstruction of Artificially Structured Microbial Consortia (ASMC) by image analysis