González-Ramírez, C.A., Mason, V.P. and Markx, G.H., 2009. Mathematical modelling of diffusion regulated quorum sensing in artificially structured microbial consortia (ASMC). Proceedings of Processes in Biofilms: from fundamentals to applications. International Water Association, Davis, CA, USA, 257-260. Preprinted
A mathematical model, involving diffusion of extracellular compounds and cell interactions, has been adapted, in order to assess the quorum sensing process occurring in biofilms. Quorum sensing is a diffusion dependent phenomenon; therefore, accumulation levels of extra-cellular substances can directly affect cellular development. In order to modeling quorum sensing from artificially structured microbial consortia (ASMC), accumulation of N-acyl-Lhomoserine lactone (AHL) was studied within a biofilm formed with three bacterial species, Agrobacterium tumefaciens KYC6, Escherichia coli JM109 and green fluorescent protein (GFP), producer and reporter, Escherichia coli JM105. Different artificial biofilm structures or ASMC and conditions were considered when modeling cell behavior under particular experimental situations, such as: accumulation from external addition or internal production of N-acyl-L-homoserine lactone (AHL) in mixed mono- and multi-layered biofilms. Mathematical modeling results include: internal concentration profiles of extra-cellular compounds, accumulated within the biofilm; time related patterns of cell distribution in ASMC constructed with different strains and dynamic estimations of biofilm thickness. Keywords: Quorum sensing; mathematical modeling; diffusion; ASMC and Nacyl- L-homoserine lactone (AHL).
3D reconstruction of Artificially Structured Microbial Consortia (ASMC) by image analysis
Standardization of activated sludge for biodegradation tests
Toward a standardization of the microbial inoculum for ready biodegradability testing of chemicals
A method for measuring the anoxic biodegradability under denitrifying conditions
Procedures in Ready Biodegradability Testing: Effects of the Inoculation and the Monitored Parameter