Juan Carlos Seck-Tuoh-Mora a , ?, Joselito Medina-Marin a , Norberto Hernandez-Romero a , Genaro J. Martinez b , c , Irving Barragan-Vite a
Reversible one-dimensional cellular automata are studied from the perspective of Welch Sets. This paper presents an algorithm to generate random Welch sets that de?ne a re- versible cellular automaton. Then, properties of Welch sets are used in order to establish two bipartite graphs describing the evolution rule of reversible cellular automata. The ?rst graph gives an alternative representation for the dynamics of these systems as block map- pings and shifts. The second graph offers a compact representation for the evolution rule of reversible cellular automata. Both graphs and their matrix representations are illustrated by the generation of random reversible cellular automata with 6 and 18 states.
Elementary cellular automaton Rule 110 explained as a block substitution system
Reproducing the Cyclic Tag System Developed by Matthew Cook with Rule 110 Using the Phases f(i-)1.
How to Make Dull Cellular Automata Complex by Adding Memory: Rule 126 Case Study
Pair Diagram and Cyclic Properties Characterizing the Inverse of Reversible Automata
Modeling a Nonlinear Liquid Level System by Cellular Neural Networks
Unconventional invertible behaviors in reversible one-dimensional cellular automata.