Erika Rodríguez-Torres, Angélica Rivera-Aldana, Margarita Tetlalmatzi-Montiel, Alma Santillán-Hernández, Alejandra Rosales-Lagarde, Claudia Martínez-Alcalá, Patricia Pliego-Pastrana, José Sócrates López-Noguerola, MATHEMATICAL MODELS TO PREDICT COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT IN MEXICAN ADULTS, In Alzheimer's & Dementia, Volume 13, Issue 7, Supplement, 2017, Pages P1174-P1175, ISSN 1552-5260, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jalz.2017.06.1735
Due to natural aging and pathological events, people may experience a degree of cognitive impairment. In particular, memory, attention and processing of speed may be affected. It has been already established that the severity of such deteriorations are related to age, sex, education and the place of residency. The aim of the present work was to generate mathematical models to predict cognitive impairments in Old Adults of Mexico. The generated mathematical models could later be used to find individual indicators of cognitive impairment.
Tracking the recovery of visuospatial attention deficits in mild traumatic brain injury