van Donkelaar P, Langan J, Rodriguez E, Drew A, Halterman C, Osternig LR, et al. Attentional deficits in concussion. Brain Inj 2005; 19: 1031 9. ISSN 0269 9052 print/ISSN 1362 301X online DOI: 10.1080/02699050500110363
Primary objective: The purpose of the present study was to examine deficits in the alerting, orienting and executive components of attention in individuals who have recently suffered a concussion. Research design: A group design was used in which the performance by individuals with concussion was compared to control subjects matched for age, height, weight and activity level. Methods and procedures: Participants completed the Attentional Network Test (ANT) that breaks down attention into alerting, orienting and executive components. Reaction time and response accuracy were the dependent variables. Main outcomes and results: It was found that only the orienting and executive components of attention were affected by concussion, whereas the alerting component was normal. Furthermore, participants with concussion required a significantly longer time than controls to initiate correct responses. Conclusions: These results suggest that the orienting and executive components of attention are most susceptible to the effectsof concussion.
Tracking the recovery of visuospatial attention deficits in mild traumatic brain injury