Hernández-Salinas, U. A. Ramírez-Bautista, y R. Cruz-Elizalde. 2013. Reptile tracks: An idicator for identifying areas of high diversity in arid zones of Mexico. Pp. 95-110, In: Reptiles in Research, W. I. Lutterschmidt (Ed.). Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-62808-599-0. Octubre 15.
The effect of spatio-temporal variation in understanding the fruit crop size hypothesis
Frugivoría por Aves en un Paisaje Fragmentado: Consecuencias en la Dispersión de Semillas
Abundance of frugivorous birds and richness of fruit resource: is there a temporal relationship?
A female Lucifer Hummingbird (Calothorax lucifer) with iridescent chin feathers