Ramírez-Godínez J., Beltrán-Hernández R.I., Coronel-Olivares C., Contreras-López E., Quezada-Cruz M. and Vázquez-Rodríguez G.A. (2013) In situ treatment and reuse of aquaculture effluents. Memorias del XXXIV Encuentro Nacional y III Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Mexicana de Investigación y Docencia en Ingeniería Química (AMIDIQ), Mazatlán, Sin., 7-10 mayo, pp. 536-541.
Freshwater aquaculture effluents are an important source of organic matter, suspendedsolids and nutrients if they are discharged in the aquatic environment without priortreatment. In order to propose a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS, a system thatintegrates the treatment and the recycling of water in the process), the effluents from apolyculture farming system were characterized physicochemically and microbiologically.The effluents exceeded the reuse guideline values suggested for total suspended solids,BOD5 and total Kjeldhal nitrogen. However, the composition of the effluent indicated thatthe biological treatment is an economical and feasible way to meet the guidelines for RAS.Also, it was observed that an external input of biodegradable carbon is necessary for thefull removal of nitrogen (i.e., involving nitrification and denitrification).
Effect of the inoculation level in aerobic biodegradability tests of polymeric materials
Procedures in Ready Biodegradability Testing: Effects of the Inoculation and the Monitored Parameter
3D reconstruction of Artificially Structured Microbial Consortia (ASMC) by image analysis
Toward a standardization of the microbial inoculum for ready biodegradability testing of chemicals
Inocula from activated sludge for ready biodegradability testing: Homogenization by preconditioning
Two-step modeling of the biodegradation of phenol by an acclimated activated sludge