L. A. López, Generating black strings, Spanish RelativityMeeting (ERE 2009),J. Phys: conf. Ser.229, 012047 (2010)
It is generated a five dimensional solution of vacuum Einstein equations, with three free parameters, by means of equipping the Zipoy-Voorhees solution with a scalar field then lifting it to a fifth dimension. This solution presents as particular cases the black string with arbitrary tension and the Gregory-Laflamme black string.The trapped surfaces, mass, tension and the condition of spherical symmetry of the solution are studied.
On time-optimal procedure for analog system design
A Fuzzy Control for Optimizing the Design of Passive Electrical Circuits
Sobre las dimensiones extras espaciales
Fluido magneto reológico bajo perturbaciones magnéticas
5D gravitational waves from complexified black rings
Efectos De Una Interacción No Conmutativa En La Radiación De Hawking
A Proposal to Extend Duality in String Theory in Three Dimensions