L. A. López, A. Feinstein and N. Bretón Generating BlackString in Higher Dimensions, Journal of Modern PhysicsLetters A, Vol 25, No 10, 815 (2010)
Starting with a ZipoyVoorhees line element, we construct and study the three-parameter family of solutions describing a deformed black string with arbitrary tension.
On time-optimal procedure for analog system design
Extended T-Duality In Three Dimensions
5D gravitational waves from complexified black rings
A Proposal to Extend Duality in String Theory in Three Dimensions
Fluido magneto reológico bajo perturbaciones magnéticas
Sobre las dimensiones extras espaciales
A Fuzzy Control for Optimizing the Design of Passive Electrical Circuits
Efectos De Una Interacción No Conmutativa En La Radiación De Hawking