Cleavage of alkoxycarbonyl protecting groups from carbamates by t-BuNH2. Oscar R. Suárez-Castillo, Luis Alberto Montiel-Ortega, Myriam Meléndez-Rodríguez, Maricruz Sánchez-Zavala. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2006.11.024
An efficient, simple protocol for the selective cleavage of a variety of N-alkoxycarbonylprotectinggroups by t-BuNH2/MeOH is described. The scope of the procedure was explored for a series of indole, aniline and pyrrolidine carbamate derivatives containing other potentially reactive functional groups affording a clean cleavage of the carbamategroup.
First Total Synthesis of ()-Flustraminol B
Cleavage of alkoxycarbonylprotectinggroups from carbamates by t-BuNH2
Synthesis of Bromoindole Alkaloids from Laurencia brongniartii
Absolute configuration determination of 2-(2-oxo-3-indolyl)acetamide derivatives
Mechanisticstudies of the photochemicalrearrangement of 1-oxolongipin-2-ene derivatives
Synthesis of Indolylindolines Mediated by tert-BuNH2
Photochemical rearrangements of highly functionalized longipinene derivatives