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Artículo Arbitrado
6533: Carlos I. Sarmiento; Jorge Hernández Camacho, Ignacio Sarmiento Vargas, Virtual Control and Monitoring for a Neurovisual Therapeutic Device. Vigésima Reunión Internacional de Otoño de Comunicaciones, Computación, Electrónica, Automatización, Robótica y Exposición Industrial. ISBN 978-607-9563U-5-9, Acapulco, Guerrero, 2013.
Garoutte B. Survey of Functional Neuroanatomy. 1st ed. Greenbrae: Jones Medical Publications, 1981.
Murillo-Bonilla LM, Calvo-Leroux G, Reyes-Morales S, Lozano-Elizondo D. ?Hemianopsias homónimas: relación topográfica, etiológica y evolución clínica?. Arch Neurocien 2001; 2: 62-65.
Schreiber A, Vonthein R, Reinhard J, Trauzettel-Klosinski S, Connert C, Schiefer U. ?Effect of visual restitution training on absolute homonymus scotomas?. Neurology 2006; 67:143-145.
Koons P, Scott J, Kingston J, Goodrich GL. ?Scanning training in neurological visual loss: case studies?. Eye and Brain 2010; 2:47-55.
Weiskrantz L, Harlow A, Barbur JL. ?Factors affecting visual sensitivity in a hemianopic subject?. Brain 1991; 114:2269-2282.
Romano JG. ?Progress in rehabilitation of hemianopic visual field defects?. Cerebrovasc Dis 2009; 27 (suppl 1): 187-190.
Marshall RS, Ferrera JJ, Barnes A, Zhang X, O?Brien KA, Chmayssani M, Hirsch J Lazar RM. ?Brain activity associated with simulation therapy of the visual borderzone in hemianopic stroke patients?. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2008; 22: 136-144.
Henriksson L, Raninen A, Näsänen R, Ryvärinen L, Vanni S. ?Training-induced cortical representation of a hemianopic hemifield?. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2007; 78: 74-81.
Doussoulin-Sanhueza MA. ?Cómo se fundamenta la neurorrehabilitación desde el punto de vista de la neuroplasticidad?. Arch Neurocien 2011; 16: 216-222.
Borah J. ?Measurement techniques for eye movement?. Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation 2006; 3: 263-286.
Halswanter T. ?Mathematics of three-dimensional eye rotations?. Vision Res 1995; 12: 1727-1739.
Pambakian ALM, Woodings DS, Patel N, Morland AB, Kennard C, Mannan SK. ?Scanning the visual world: a study of patients with homonymous hemianopia?. J Neurlo Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000; 69: 751-759.
Panero J, Zelnik M. Las Dimensiones Humanas en los Espacios Interiores. 7° ed. México: Editorial G. Gili, 1996.
Fu K S, González R C, Lee C S G. Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence. McGraw-Hill, 1987.
Spong M W, Hutchinson S, Vidyasagar M. Robot Modeling and Control. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2005.
Weiskrantz L, Harlow A, Barbur JL. ?Factors affecting visual sensitivity in a hemianopic subject?. Brain 1991; 114:2269-2282.
Henriksson L, Raninen A, Näsänen R, Ryvärinen L, Vanni S. ?Training-induced cortical representation of a hemianopic hemifield?. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2007; 74-81.
Hernández-Camacho J, Muñoz-Hernández L, Saldaña-Sánchez A, López-Morales V. ?Virtual distributed supervision and control for an automated greenhouse?. 5TH International Symposium on Robotics and Automation. 2006, ISBN 970-769-070-4.
Power HD, ?Model HD1900A?, 9g servomotor datasheet.
Passamonti C, Bertini C, Làdavas E. ?Audiovisual stimulation improves oculomotor patterns in patients with hemianopia?. Neuropsychologia 2009; 47(s):546-555.
Eady F. Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers. Elsevier, 2004.
Axelson J. Serial Port Complete: COM Ports, USB Virtual COM Ports, and Ports for Embedded Systems. 2nd Edition. Lakeview Research LLC, 2007.
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6535: Carlos I. Sarmiento; Jorge Hernández Camacho, Ignacio Sarmiento Vargas, Virtual Control and Monitoring for a Neurovisual Therapeutic Device. Vigésima Reunión Internacional de Otoño de Comunicaciones, Computación, Electrónica, Automatización, Robótica y Exposición Industrial. ISBN 978-607-9563U-5-9, Acapulco, Guerrero, 2013.
Garoutte B. Survey of Functional Neuroanatomy. 1st ed. Greenbrae: Jones Medical Publications, 1981.
Murillo-Bonilla LM, Calvo-Leroux G, Reyes-Morales S, Lozano-Elizondo D. ?Hemianopsias homónimas: relación topográfica, etiológica y evolución clínica?. Arch Neurocien 2001; 2: 62-65.
Schreiber A, Vonthein R, Reinhard J, Trauzettel-Klosinski S, Connert C, Schiefer U. ?Effect of visual restitution training on absolute homonymus scotomas?. Neurology 2006; 67:143-145.
Koons P, Scott J, Kingston J, Goodrich GL. ?Scanning training in neurological visual loss: case studies?. Eye and Brain 2010; 2:47-55.
Weiskrantz L, Harlow A, Barbur JL. ?Factors affecting visual sensitivity in a hemianopic subject?. Brain 1991; 114:2269-2282.
Romano JG. ?Progress in rehabilitation of hemianopic visual field defects?. Cerebrovasc Dis 2009; 27 (suppl 1): 187-190.
Marshall RS, Ferrera JJ, Barnes A, Zhang X, O?Brien KA, Chmayssani M, Hirsch J Lazar RM. ?Brain activity associated with simulation therapy of the visual borderzone in hemianopic stroke patients?. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2008; 22: 136-144.
Henriksson L, Raninen A, Näsänen R, Ryvärinen L, Vanni S. ?Training-induced cortical representation of a hemianopic hemifield?. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2007; 78: 74-81.
Doussoulin-Sanhueza MA. ?Cómo se fundamenta la neurorrehabilitación desde el punto de vista de la neuroplasticidad?. Arch Neurocien 2011; 16: 216-222.
Borah J. ?Measurement techniques for eye movement?. Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation 2006; 3: 263-286.
Halswanter T. ?Mathematics of three-dimensional eye rotations?. Vision Res 1995; 12: 1727-1739.
Pambakian ALM, Woodings DS, Patel N, Morland AB, Kennard C, Mannan SK. ?Scanning the visual world: a study of patients with homonymous hemianopia?. J Neurlo Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000; 69: 751-759.
Panero J, Zelnik M. Las Dimensiones Humanas en los Espacios Interiores. 7° ed. México: Editorial G. Gili, 1996.
Fu K S, González R C, Lee C S G. Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence. McGraw-Hill, 1987.
Spong M W, Hutchinson S, Vidyasagar M. Robot Modeling and Control. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2005.
Weiskrantz L, Harlow A, Barbur JL. ?Factors affecting visual sensitivity in a hemianopic subject?. Brain 1991; 114:2269-2282.
Henriksson L, Raninen A, Näsänen R, Ryvärinen L, Vanni S. ?Training-induced cortical representation of a hemianopic hemifield?. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2007; 74-81.
Hernández-Camacho J, Muñoz-Hernández L, Saldaña-Sánchez A, López-Morales V. ?Virtual distributed supervision and control for an automated greenhouse?. 5TH International Symposium on Robotics and Automation. 2006, ISBN 970-769-070-4.
Power HD, ?Model HD1900A?, 9g servomotor datasheet.
Passamonti C, Bertini C, Làdavas E. ?Audiovisual stimulation improves oculomotor patterns in patients with hemianopia?. Neuropsychologia 2009; 47(s):546-555.
Eady F. Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers. Elsevier, 2004.
Axelson J. Serial Port Complete: COM Ports, USB Virtual COM Ports, and Ports for Embedded Systems. 2nd Edition. Lakeview Research LLC, 2007.
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