Producción Científica Profesorado

The Powder-pack Boriding and Nitriding Process: Microstructural Characterization of Boride and Nitride Layers on ARMCO Pure Iron.

Simón Marmolejo, Isaías


Ortiz-Dominguez, M., Simon-Marmolejo, I., Elias-Espinosa, M., Flores-Renteria, M., Martinez-Martinez, L., & Arenas-Flores, A. (2018). The Powder-pack Boriding and Nitriding Process: Microstructural Characterization of Boride and Nitride Layers on ARMCO Pure Iron. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24(S1), 664-665.


Surface hardening, a process that includes a wide variety of techniques (Carburizing, Nitriding, Nitrocarburizing, Boriding, and Thermal diffusion process), is used to improve the wear resistance of parts without affecting the more soft, tough interior of the part . In particular, resistant layers of borides are produced in ferrous and no-ferrous materials though the well-developed process of boriding.

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