Producción Científica Profesorado

Evolución de receptores de trasplante renal infectados por el virus de hepatitis C, adquirida en Hemodiálisis.

Prieto García, Francisco


Dashiell Millet Torres; Dr. Leonardo Curbelo Rodríguez; Dr. Francisco Ávila Riopedre; Dra. Milene Benítez Méndez; Dr. Francisco Prieto García*. Evolución de receptores de trasplante renal infectados por el virus de hepatitis C, adquirida en Hemodiálisis. Salud i Ciencia N 21(5):482-493, (2015) ISSN: 1667-8982,


Introduction: Death of kidney transplant patients with functioning graft is the leading cause of loss of renal transplantation (RT); and death due to liver disease is between the fourth and the fifth leading cause of death. Kidney transplant recipients infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) have an increased incidence of serious opportunistic infections. Objectives: To compare the evolution of RT recipients with HCV infection acquired in hemodialysis vs patients without HCV infection, between 2003 and 2012. Methods: Retrospective cohort study including all patients receiving RT; 137 patients who met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. Results: A high prevalence of HCV in the transplanted population, as well as a higher tendency to have diabetes mellitus (DM), post-transplant diabetes mellitus (PTDM), and acute rejection were observed in HCV-positive recipients; death of patient and acute rejection (AR) were the most frequent causes of graft function loss. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and generalized sepsis (GS) were the most frequent causes of mortality; lower survival of both the graft and the recipient was observed in patients with HCV infection. Conclusions: 30- to 44-year-old male transplanted patients were predominant, and the prevalence of HCV infection in the transplanted population was high; recipients with HVC infection showed a greater tendency to have PTDM and AR. Death of patients and AR were the most frequent causes of functioning graft loss in both groups. CVD and GS were the most frequent causes of mortality in both groups, with the largest number of cases among HCV-positive patients. HCV-positive transplant recipients showed a tendency to a shorter graft and patient survival.

Producto de Investigación

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