Vargas, R., Del Castillo, A., & Guzmán, R. (2016). Estrés, depresión y consumo de alcohol en estudiantes de bachillerato de Mexico: diferencias por sexo y escuela. European Scientific Journal, 12(32), 94-109.
Stress in teenagers studying high school is a health problem of greatimportance as not only affects behavior but also affects physical and mentalhealth of this population, increasing the likelihood of depression occur anduse alcohol as a means of coping with it. Objective: To determine theinteraction by sex and type of school, as well as the relationship betweenlevels of stress, depression and alcohol of high school students in two statesin Mexico. Material and Methods: 129 students from two high schools in thestates of Hidalgo and Mexico respectively selected through a non-probabilitysampling. The age range was from 16 to 21, M = 17 years, SD = .893. 51.2%were men and 48.8% women. Perceived Stress Scale (EEP) was used, theBeck Depression Inventory and Identification Questionnaire disorders due toalcohol consumption (AUDIT). They were conducted descriptive analyzes,Pearson correlation analysis and factorial ANOVA 2x2. Results: Significantnegative relationships between stress and depression (r = .552, p <0.05) werefound, also significant differences by gender in alcohol F (3,70) = 3.283, p ?.05 and significant differences by school in depression variable F (3,125) =3.690, ? .05. Conclusion: These results provide insight into the associationbetween different risk facotres student population so that from it culturallyrelevant psychological interventions that affect the prevention of healthproblems in this population are designed.