Producción Científica Profesorado

Residuos agrícolas: Caracterización y estrategias sustentables para su aprovechamiento.

Prieto García, Francisco


Adriana Rojas-León, Elena Otazo-Sánchez, Ana Bolarín-Miró, Francisco Prieto-García, Alma Román-Gutiérrez. (2014) Residuos agrícolas: Caracterización y estrategias sustentables para su aprovechamiento. Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias. 1 (2) 253-262. ISSN 2334-2501 Ed. Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias. USA. Texas, Brownsville.


The growing demand for barley has generated a high quantity of residues characteristic of its harvest. Due tothe characteristics that these type of materials presented, are displayed as an alternative in the manufacture of particleboard.The objective of this research was to evaluate the feasibility of incorporating these residues as reinforcements in acomposite, through its physical-chemical analysis. The results were: particle size (0.425 -9.525 mm); bulk density (88-280kg/m3); surface structure rough and porous; moisture (4.75 -7.59%); non-degraded cellulose (23- 46%); cellulose degraded(18-33%), hemicelluloses (4-11%) and lignin (11-20%). It can be concluded that residues of barley, in general, can becontemplated as an option in the manufacture of composite materials.

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