8.F. Prieto García, F. Pérez Moreno, Y. Marmolejo Santillán. Study of arsenic removal with ionic Exchange resins in drinking water from Zimapan, Hidalgo State, Mexico. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 2012. 2(6): 14-16. ISSN: 2221-0997. IJAST is an indexed journal. It is indexed with and included in Ulrich?s, EBSCO, DOAJ, Gale and Index Copernicus International. Moreover the journal is under the indexing process with ISI, ERIC, Scopus and Journal Seek.
Anionic exchange resins were studied with respect to its capacity for arsenic removal in water. Water of well V from Zimapan, Hidalgo, Mexico, was used to in this research, because this water have a mean concentration of 480 11 g.L-1 of arsenic and it is available as drinking water. Three exchange resins employed were two strong anionic weak macroreticular (IRA-900) and other gel typo (IRA-400), as well as one third anionic, one weak macroreticular type (IRA-96). The experiments carried with this resins showing that IRA 900 has the highest efficiency in the process of arsenic removal from drinking water, because it showed a treatment capacity of 700 Vwater.Vresins-1; while that capacities of IRA-400 and IRA-96 resins were 320 and 52 Vwater.Vresins-1, respectively. The mean concentration of arsenic residue in the treated water was 24 g.L-1, which is within the maximum level permissible by Mexican official norm for drinking water.