Francisco Prieto García, Judith Callejas Hernández, Judith Prieto Méndez; María Aurora Méndez Marzo. Zeta potential (?) as a criterion of electrocoagulation process control acid whey. Asian Journal of Chemistry (Mayo 2014) Vol. 26 N 9, 2629-2631
The electrocoagulation (EC) is a technique used for treatment of various waste waters. In this process, contaminants are removed suspended, emulsified or dissolved in the aqueous medium, inducing electric current through metal plates. The zeta potential (z) is an important parameter for electrostatic particles suspended in an aqueous medium as an index of evaluating the stability of colloidal dispersions with respect to the aggregation of particles. The aim of this work was to study the application of electrocoagulation process under conditions previously optimized for the treatment of organic load removal (COD), color and turbidity in a batch type electrochemical reactor. The results showed that it is possible to achieve optimum process performance while electrocoagulation sedimentation and reduction of the organic load present in the acid whey, carrying out measurements in the liquid phase zeta potential whey as an indicator of effectiveness electrocoagulated destabilization particles. The zeta potential positively correlated with pH and effective initial direct correlation with the color (measured as absorbance of purified liquid) and turbidity. - See more at: http://www.asianjournalofchemistry.co.in/user/journal/viewarticle.aspx?ArticleID=26_10_28#sthash.IA6rnvet.dpuf
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