Producción Científica Profesorado

Corrosive System Monitoring Using Bees Algorithm.

Bolaños Rodríguez, Ernesto


Bolaños, E., González, J.C., Lezama, E., y Pérez, A. Corrosive System Monitoring Using Bees Algorithm. Memorias en Extenso. En 1er Coloquio Internacional de Computación y Sistemas Inteligentes Empresariales (pp. 92-97). Tizayuca Hidalgo, México: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo.


The purpose of this research is to predict failures (corrosion, cracks, laminations, joins or other) in pipelines carrying natural gas. Using the Bees Algorithm based on the behavior that perform in nature. The obtained results show the systematic occurrence of faults, which implies the need for preventive maintenance in pipelines to keep infrastructure and population security.Key words: Pipelines failures, Bees Algorithm, preventive maintenance.

Producto de Investigación UAEH

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