Producción Científica Profesorado

Socioeconomic, sociodemographic, and clinical variables associated with root caries in a group of persons age 60 years and older in México

Islas Granillo, Horacio


Islas, H., Borges, S.A., Medina, C.E., Casanova, H.J., Minaya, M., Villalobos, J.J., y Maupome, G. (2012). Socioeconomic, sociodemographic, and clinical variables associated with root caries in a group of persons age 60 years and older in México. Geriatrics and Gerodontology International, 12, 271-276. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0594.2011.00764.x


"Aim: To determine the prevalence of root caries and the root caries index in a populationof older Mexicans, and its relationship to socioeconomic, sociodemographic and dentalfactors.Methods: We carried out a cross-sectional study in 85 persons 60 years and older livingeither in long-term care facilities, or independently and attending an elder day-care group.Each subject underwent an oral examination, performed by a trained and standardizeddentist, to determine the root caries index and other clinical variables. Questionnaires wereadministered to collect socioeconomic, sociodemographic and hygiene data. Statisticalanalyses were performed using non-parametric tests.Results: The prevalence of root caries was 96.5%. The root caries index was37.7% 1 21.7%. Statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) of root caries index wereobserved across residential arrangements and marital statuses, and were higher in publiclyfunded long-term care and among single subjects (P < 0.05). Those who had poor hygienehad more root caries (P < 0.05); persons with a low level of schooling and who brushedtheir teeth less frequently also showed a difference (P < 0.05).Conclusions: The prevalence of root caries was very high. The type of long-term care,marital status, schooling and oral hygiene were associated with a higher root caries index.Oral health programs and preventive caries interventions are needed for this age group ingeneral; targeted strategies may be better focused if sociodemographic profiles are used tocharacterize high need groups. "

Producto de Investigación UAEH

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