Minaya, M., Medina, C.E., Casanova, J.F., Casanova, A.J., Marquez, M.L., Islas, H., e Islas, A.J. (2010). Perdida de dientes y variables del estado periodontal asociadas en hombres policías adultos. Gaceta Médica de México, 146(4),264-268.
Objective: Identify the variables associated with periodontal status and tooth loss among a sample of adults. Materials and Methods: We carried out a corss-sectional study among 161 policemen. Our sample was representative of socioeconomic status and lifestyle among policemen in Campeche México. All periodontal clinical examinations were asessed using the Florida Probe System, using a fixed dental chair and one examiner. The variables were measured included presence of dental plaque, calculus, probing deep, gingival insertion, loss of attachment, gingival retraction, suppuration, and probing blood. We examined six sites surrounding all teeth avilable in the mouth (maximum 168 sites and exluded third molars). Satistical analyses were performed with STATA 8.2 using a bivariate negative binomial regression model due to over-dispersion in the dependent variable. Results: The mean age was 38.3610.99 (range:20-78). The mean of tooth and sites examined in participants was 24.454.63 and 146.7227.80, respectively. The prevalence of tooth loss was 73.3%. 571 teeth were missing and the overall mean of missing teeth was 3.554.63 and within subjects with tooth loss was 4.844.80. The prevalence of functional dentition (21 teeth or more) was 83.8%. To have >20% gingivitis, >5% of sites with probing deep ?4mm, >5% of sites with gingival retraction, >70% of sites with attachment loss >2mm, and each unit of age increase the mean expected of tooth loss by 70.6%, 41.8, 156.4%, 86.9%, and 3.6% respectively. Conclusions: Our study findings confirm that lost teeth are common among study participants. Higher prevalence and average of tooth loss was observed among this adult population. Several variables of periodontal status were associated with tooth loss.
Diagnósticos quirúrgicos de cirugía bucal
Higiene bucal en escolares de 6-13 años de edad de Campeche, México
Higiene bucal en escolares de 6-13 años de edad de Campeche, México
Prevalence of and Risk Indicators forChronic Periodontitis in Males fromCampeche, Mexico
Utilización de servicios odontológicos de salud por niños menores de cinco años con seguridad social