Miguel Ángel Rico-Rodríguez, Francisco Prieto-García, Alma Delia Román-Gutiérrez, Elena María Otazo-Sánchez, Otilio Arturo Acevedo-Sandoval.Characterization of three soils in Hidalgo and Queretaro, Mexico: availability and effects on arsenic in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) FCA UNCUYO. 2013; 45(1):225-246.
presence of arsenic (As) in soilsallows migration to crops like chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.). In this paper we comparecontents of As in three soils of two states ofthe Mexican Republic, and its accumulationin C. arietinum L. The soils were moderatelyalkaline, non-saline, intermediate gearboxesand zeta potential (pZ) indicating moderatelystable colloidal suspensions. With moderatemoisture content and clay-loam textures, bulkdensity, field capacity, stable aggregates andcation exchange capacity, significantly differentand similar infiltration rate and thickness ofhorizon A. Organic matter, carbon and nitrogenare significantly different and low content.There are important differences betweenseeds of C. arietinum L. certified or not in theirability to germinate and root development. Thegenotoxic effects of As in roots of C. arietinum L.appreciated by induction of micronucleus,2.8- fold reduction of cell division in watersamples treated with As, regarding controlsamples. As was observed increase of 9.5 timesin seedlings germinated in soil El Salitre, that in Bella Vista soil, indicative of migration As. Thesum effect of concentration of As in soil and wateris increased 15.3 times. Among soils Bella Vistaand Querétaro, the correlation was 2.9 timesgreater. In positive controls the IBAs are threetimes higher than in the experimental tests.