Producción Científica Profesorado

Economía social, conceptos y prácticas como alternativa de desarrollo socioeconómico en México.

Sánchez Trujillo, Magda Gabriela


Sánchez Trujillo M., Gabriela. (2012). Estrategias sustentables un nuevo enfoque. Compendio experiencias de Investigación. México, D.F.: Tercer Escalón. ISBN: 978-607-7911-07-4


This article presents a brief overview of the main issues that the Solidarity Social Economy has developed since its inception into the construction of experiences and reflections made, which have arisen of the concern for an alternative to various economic and social situations that have been arisen in Mexico and another Latin American and first World countries, that also it share a great social project which are incorporated into this global project as an alternative of a territorial socio-economic development.

Producto de Investigación UAEH

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