Producción Científica Profesorado

A Generalised Semantics for Belief Updates An Equivalence-based Approach

Hernández Camacho, Jorge


Acosta, Juan C. & Hernández Camacho, J. (2011). A Generalised Semantics for Belief Updates An Equivalence-based Approach. Escuela Superior de Huejutla. UAEH. México. ISBN: En trámite.


As suggested in the literature, revising and updating beliefs and knowledge bases is an important unsolved topic in knowledge representation and reasoning that requires a solid theoretical basis, particularly in current applications of Arti_cial Intelligence where an agent canwork in an open dynamic environment with incomplete information. Various researchers have combined postulates and Answer Set Programming as key components to set up their approaches. However, many of such proposals still present some shortcomings when dealing with persistence situations, redundant information, contradictions or lack of further properties of knowledge evolution. In need to satisfy more general principles and suggesting a frame of reference, this paper consists of a study of consistency preservation and restoration, and a new AGM-characterisation of a semantics for updates of logic programs. It consists in performing updates of epistemic states that meets well-accepted belief revision postulates. Besides the set of properties that this framework shares with other equivalent update semantics, this proposal is also supported by a solver prototype as an important component of logic programming and automatic testbed of its declarative version. The existence of a solver for a theoretical framework helps to automatically compute agents' knowledge bases for more complex prototypes and frameworks.

Producto de Investigación UAEH

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