Granillo Macías Rafael, Sandoval Correa Alejandro; Contribution to the stakeholders needs and expectations transfer into Project activities. World Multiconference of Systemic and Informatic, WMSI Issue II, Pag 524-530. Miami,Florida. Junio 2009. ITESM CEM.
Among the methodologies for project management proposed by organizations such as the International Project (IPMA) or the Project Management Institute (PMI), it is mentioned that the most important factor related to the project success is represented by the adequate attraction of the stakeholder?s necessities. Nowadays the onlyway proposed to follow up the expectations ofthe stakeholders is their inclusion in the communication plans as well as in proposals focused to its classification,categorization, and identification. Basically the keystakeholder?s expectations are attracted without pointing out the way to model or express them inside the project into a Work Breakdown Structure(WBS).It is then pertinent to propose complementary techniques and tools in order to identify, clarify and mappingthe stakeholder?s perceptions, since those perceptions guide the selection of the project?s whole activities thatmust fulfill, in an effective and aligned way the restrictions, requirements and expectations.