Producción Científica Profesorado

Nanotechnology and environment: Safety and health inexposure to nanoparticles and ceramics

Prieto García, Francisco


Francisco Prieto García, Judith Prieto Méndez, Ana M. Bolarín Miró, Nanotechnology and environment: Safety and health in exposure to nanoparticles and ceramics, Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology, Año: 2013, Vol. 2(1) pp. 17-35 (ISSN: 2315-5698)


Given the absence of scientific clarity about the potential health effects of occupational exposure tonanoparticles, guidance is required for decision-making regarding their risks, hazards and controls.Identify the ethical issues that this implies can be useful for decision makers, including employers,employees, investors and the health authorities. The aim of occupational health and safety is theprevention of disease in workers and identified situations that have ethical implications that affectworkers. These situations include a) identification and communication of hazards and risks byscientists, authorities and employers, b) risk taking by employees, c) the selection and implementationof controls; d) the establishment program of medical examinations, e) investment in toxicologicalresearch and control. These issues involve ethical impartial determination of hazards and risks,nonmaleficence (do no harm), autonomy, justice, privacy and promoting respect for people. As youidentify and explore ethical issues, it is possible to develop options for decision makers. Also, you maycontribute to social discussions about risks of nanotechnologies in the workplace with specialemphasis on small businesses and the adoption of a global perspective.

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