Producción Científica Profesorado

Edentulism Among Mexican Adults Aged 35 Years and Older and Associated Factors

Medina Solís, Carlo Eduardo


Medina- Solis Carlo Eduardo, Edentulism Among Mexican Adults Aged 35 Years and Older and Associated Factors; American Journal of Public Health 2006 96 (9)


We used National Performance Evaluation Survey data to estimate the prevalence and associated factors of edentulism among noninstitutionalized adults aged 35 years and older in Mexico. Statistically, the variables positively associated with edentulism were older age (odds ratio [OR]=1.08) and female gender (OR=1.79). Nonsmoking status (OR=0.70) and having a higher wealth index score (OR=0.72) were negatively associated. This information constitutes the first largescale evaluation in Mexico for one of the World Health Organizations priority oral health problems. (Am J Public Health. 2006;96:1578 1581. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2005.071209)

Producto de Investigación UAEH

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