Producción Científica Profesorado

Synthesis of homo- and heteronuclear rutheniumgold clusters with diphosphine and thiolato bridged ligands. Single crystal molecular structure of [Ru3(CO)10(?-AuPPh3)(?-SC5H4N)] and [Ru3(CO)8(?-H)(?-SC5H4N)(?-dppe)]

Guevara Lara, Alfredo


María G. HernándezCruz, Gloria SánchezCabrera, Micaela HernándezSandoval, Marco A. Leyva, María J. RosalesHoz, Berenice A. OrdoñezFlores, Verónica Salazar, Alfredo Guevara Lara, Francisco J. Zuno-Cruz, "Synthesis of homo- and heteronuclear rutheniumgold clusters with diphosphine and thiolato bridged ligands. Single crystal molecular structure of [Ru3(CO)10(-AuPPh3)(-SC5H4N)] and [Ru3(CO)8(-H)(-SC5H4N)(-dppe)]", Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 696, Issue 10, 15 May 2011, Pages 2177-2185,


The reaction between [Ru3(CO)10(NCMe)2] and [AuClPPh3] gave compound [Ru3(CO)10(?-Cl)(?-AuPPh3)] (1) in quantitative yield under very mild conditions. The reaction of 1 with 4-mercaptopyridine (4-pyS) using ultrasonic reaction conditions gave the heteronuclear compound [Ru3(CO)10(?-AuPPh3)(?-SC5H4N)] (2) in moderate yield. There was no spectroscopic evidence that indicates the formation of the hydride isolobal analog in this reaction. The homonuclear cluster [Ru3(CO)8(?-H)(?-SC5H4N)(?-dppe)] (3) was prepared by a selective reaction employing the rutheniumdiphosphine derivative [Ru3(CO)10(?-dppe)] (dppe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphine)ethane) with 4-pyS in THF solution. The isolobal analog to compound 3, compound [Ru3(CO)8(?-AuPPh3)(?-SC5H4N)(?-dppe)] (4) was synthesized by the reaction between compound 2 and dppe in refluxing dichloromethane. Compounds 14 were characterized in solution by spectroscopic methods and the molecular structure of compounds 2 and 3 in the solid state was obtained by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies.

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